International matches delayed due to DDOS

International matches delayed due to DDOS

It turns out that console gamers affected by network wide DDOS attacks aren't the only ones to be affected by the irritating digital sit-ins. The International, Valve's yearly DotA 2 tournament saw a few hours delay yesterday following an extended denial of service attack against its servers.

Although this was technically the second day of the event, not a single match had been played at the time of the delay, causing some consternation among fans live at the event and online.

In-fact, many commenters and analysts have wondered why it was that Valve used online servers for its International tournament compared with the usual closed LAN environment that is typically used at such events. It could be that Valve is keen to show that its server architecture is solid enough to handle the competitiveness and near-lag-free environment of a large scale tournament.

Clearly that's not exactly the case however.

Although Kotaku reached out to Valve for a statement, the company was typically its stoic self and refused to comment. Though admittedly it is rather busy right now running the tournament, which we can report has been running much more smoothly over the past few hours.