Intel second-gen dedicated graphics cards will have ray tracing

Intel second-gen dedicated graphics cards will have ray tracing

AMD and Nvidia aren't the only ones working on high-end graphics cards these days. Intel will be joining the fray in 2020, with the release of its XE graphics card. Based on its 12th-generation of HD graphics technology, this dedicated GPU is expected to compete heavily with both AMD and Nvidia's top cards and chips, providing an additional level of competition which will only help consumers in the long run.

But what comes after that could be even more exciting. Intel's second-generation of XE dedicated GPU, will drop from 10nm to 7nm and will introduce new technologies to enable ray tracing.

This news came straight from an Intel representative who was discussing some fan-made shroud ideas for the upcoming Intel graphics cards.

"Intel China mentioned our upcoming Intel Xe graphics product in a post," an Intel rep , "and included a video pulled from @IntelGraphics handle, what they didn’t do was call out the video they posted was not showing actual Intel Xe product but a community generated concept design of a graphics shroud."

That rep went on to talk about the future capabilities of Intel GPUs, including what the company has planned for its second-generation release in 2021. That GPU will introduce ray tracing support with dedicated hardware to power it.