Intel Core i7 7700K Overclocked To 7GHz

Intel Core i7 7700K Overclocked To 7GHz

Professional overclocker Allen "Splave" Golibersuch was able to overclock Intel Core i7 7700K CPU to more than 7GHz, but not without concessions.

In order to break the 7GHz barrier, Splave had to disable HyperThreading, disable two of the CPU's 4 cores and crank the Vcore voltage all the way up to 2.00V. With those sacrifices, the processor achieved 7022.96 MHz with a combination of a multiplier of 69x and a 101.78 MHz base-clock.

Splave did not clarify what cooling technique he used to keep the system running, but the 2.00V indicates that liquid Nitrogen cooling must have been used.

With half its cores and with no HyperThreading, the overclocked CPU did a PiFast run in 9.02 seconds and SuperPi 2M in 4 minutes 20.25 seconds. wPrime finished in 2.953 seconds 32M run and wPrime 1024M in 1 minute 33.171 seconds. Those are solid results, but they are outmatched by several high end processors that are not running with half their cores.

The Intel Core i7 7700K will be available in stores in January 2017. When not overclocked, it runs at 4.2GHz.