IndieBox is now selling boxed PC indie games

IndieBox is now selling boxed PC indie games

If you've been a PC gamer for more than a decade, then chances are you remember the days before digital downloads, humble bundles and DVD clamshell packaging. Yes I'm talking about the days of those two inch thick and 12 inch tall cardboard boxes featuring artwork, a hugely thick manual and maybe a couple of extras to fill up the masses of free space. It's something that hasn't been around for a long time but is fondly remembered by many, which is why IndieBox wants to bring it back, for indies.

Offering products via a subscription plan - which seems an odd choice - Indie Box will send you a new indie game once a month, in a fancy cardboard box, with a manual, stickers and other little extras, along with a copy of the game.

The first - and only, currently - available game is 2D puzzle platformer Teslagrad, which comes with a box, USB stick of the game, poster, papercraft model, stickers,badges, a full colour, glossy manual and a beautiful box done in a 90's aesthetic.

It's an awesome looking thing, but I do worry about the way you get it. At $16.99 a month (+ postage) for a single month, or $14.99 per month for six, the subscription system isn't horrendously expensive, but considering you won't get to choose the games you want and may have them already, it seems a little silly.

There is an option to buy "previous" games, but Teslagrad is already sold out it seems. At $20 it's also more expensive than the subscription package.