Hulkbuster mod adds giant Iron Man suit to GTA V

Hulkbuster mod adds giant Iron Man suit to GTA V

It feels like tradition at this point: adding super heroes to Grand Theft Auto's open worlds, so it's no surprise that the Hulkbuster armour set seen recently in the Avengers: Age of Ultron, has now shown up in the latest game, GTA V.

As you might expect from a monstrous piece of kit like this, it lets you do all sorts of fun things, like flying, grabbing and smashing cars, blowing them up with missiles, throwing things at helicopters - and when that doesn't work, headbutting them - and more.

As it stands there isn't much that can stand up to the monstrous suit, with even the military struggling to scratch the inch thick metal plates. Perhaps the monster this suit was designed to take on could give it a run for its money?

Unfortunately the Hulk himself isn't quite ready to feature in GTA V yet, though the creator of the Hulkbuyster mod, JulioNIB, has said that he's working on it, so it won't be long before the big green is jumping and smashing his away around Los Santos as well.

Are there any marvel characters you'd like to see in GTA V?