HTC Vive VR tech looks straight out of the '80s

HTC Vive VR tech looks straight out of the '80s

Everyone is getting pretty excited about virtual reality. It's giving us new ways to watch and play games already and we're only playing with pre-release hardware at this point and only from one company, but the other models are coming soon. The most recently announced one was the HTC Vive, a VR head unit, combined with Lighthouse 'base station' trackers and motion controls.

All of it looks very '80s though, as a lot of it is quite chunky and plastic looking, as this Kotaku video shows.

Although the little tracking units are quite unique in their own right, the most eye catching aspect of the whole set up are the motion controllers, which looks like Wii Motes with big plastic attachments on top. That extension is what allows them to be tracked, but also gives room for the trackpad located at the top of of each of them, which we're told by the narrator in the above video, work just like the trackpads on the Steam controllers.

As it stands, the whole thing really looks like the developer version it is, more so than the current DK2 Oculus VR headset, but that is on its second iteration already, the first looked very clunky in its own right.

What do you guys think of the new HTC hardware?