HTC Vive Pre now has its own face-mount cover

HTC Vive Pre now has its own face-mount cover HTC Vive Pre now has its own face-mount cover

One of the first things I did when I got my Rift DK1 and eventually the DK2, was hold a VR party. I invited a bunch of friends and family over and we all oohd and ahhd at the different rollercoaster and horror demos, culminating in an epic session of trying to beat the Xenomorph in Alien: Isolation's survival mode. Needless to say, none of us ever quite made it to the end without having our guts ripped out.

It was a great night though, with only one real downside: all of that headset swapping, on different heads that became a little greasy at the stress of the game and the warm room, meant that the headset did end up a little dirty.

Fortunately there are solutions to such issues and with the launch of the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift CV1 just around the corner, it's something worth considering before you invite everyone over. VRCover has now released its latest product, this one fitting right over the HTC Vive Pre - though it should work fine with the Vive also.

The pack costs just $19 and comes with two sets of covers and a carry case to make transporting the additional canvas that bit easier. It works for both foam face-plate types and provides a soft, washable cover so that if anyone does decide to pop your headset on without clearing off a sheen of face grease, it won't do anything to your new $800 purchase.

Other options still available include covers for the DK1 and DK2, Samsung Gear VR, as well as the Vive developer kit, and even special waterproof versions to help protect the headset at show floors or in new sorts of experimental demos.

Will you be buying one of these for your new VR headset?