How to get the Mario Maker booklet when ordering online

How to get the Mario Maker booklet when ordering online

Mario Maker is coming you guys. In just a few short weeks we'll be able to do what the creators of the games have done for years: make our own Mario levels. However the fancy artbook that comes with the physical version obviously can't be delivered with the digital download version of the game, so how do you get it otherwise?

Fortunately the guys over at have figured out that when you pre-order or order the game through your Wii U, you are given a toll-free number to ring on your receipt. Call it up, request the booklet and give them your Wii U serial number and contact details, and you'll be sent one of the booklets in the post, giving your eyes a feast of bizarre Mario levels to look at and be inspired by.

It won't come straight away of course. The game isn't out yet. Don't be impatient. But still, it's a nice touch right?