Hideo Kojima Wii Surprise for E3

Hideo Kojima Wii Surprise for E3

Hideo Kojima has been contacting people in the gaming industry mentioning that he has his own little (Wii) surprise for E3 2006.

Nintendo gossip is reporting that various members of the games press have received a card from Kojima Productions containing the following six words: Rearm, Rebirth, Regale, Return, Refine and Respect. In each word the first two letters Re were colored red in an attempt to indicate that Nintendo's Revolution is somehow involved. The cards, apparently, went out a few days before Nintendo's Wii announcement. The rear of the card includes the bald statement, The REVOLT begins, Tuesday, May 9. It's the battle for E3. Now if this was truly a Revolution related announcement it lost much of its dramatic effect due to Nintendo's timing on the change of name.

Last year Hideo Kojima had hinted that he was working on a Revolution (Wii) title that was unlike anything he has created in the past. At the time some had suggested that Kojima-sun may be creating a game targeting women gamers although no one had commented officially on those rumors.

The lead-up to E3 2006 is proving that Nintendo has still a lot to offer the world of gaming and the anticipation is rising on a day-to-day basis making the second week of May one of the most exciting times in gaming history. Unlike Microsoft's XBox 360 and Sony's Playstation 3, Nintendo's console is the only next-gen platform which promises revelations of substance at this year's exhibition. The other two competitors may offer pricing information or display new titles but are unlikely to provide any news that can match what Nintendo is suggesting. Let us hope that the Japanese gaming giant can deliver on the day.

Stay with MegaGames for all things Nintendo from E3 2006.