Hideo Kojima To 'Start From Zero' In 2009

Hideo Kojima To 'Start From Zero' In 2009

For his new year's resolution, the famous Metal Gear Solid creator, Hideo Kojima, decided to reorganize his studios "from zero" in order to be on equal footing with major western studios.

"We're currently reviewing everything - from the team structure to tools and our staff - in order to make Kojima Productions a team that can challenge foreign creators and software houses," he told Famitsu as part of their 2009 preview. "So, because of that, 2009 is going to be a very important year for us."

"I've come to understand that the way we've made games up until now won't translate globally, and I've come to think that I need to make Kojima Productions a team that can compete alongside the rest of the world," he added.

Kojima noted that the increasing costs mean that it is not viable any more to produce AAA titles for the Japanese market alone. He added that he has already studied western studios' techniques and picked a few of them for adoption.