Here's what the new Doom's single player will be like

Here's what the new Doom's single player will be like

While we've known a bit about the upcoming Doom reboot's single player for a while now, hard details have been difficult to find. Fortunately some footage appeared online recently to show us how it all worked... and was swiftly taken down.

In response though, the developers at id Software took to Twitch to show off what the single player experience will be like, showcasing armor, upgradeable weapons, environments, the way the HUD works, the types of enemies you'll be facing - all of it.

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The biggest and most obvious point to be made early on, is that this is Doom. This isn't Doom 4, or 3.5, it's Doom, the original game, rebooted with new graphics, new technology and new features to make an entirely new and fresh game.

Gameplay will still be gorey though, we've seen that from the start and secret rooms and doors, tenets of the original Doom games and other titles built on that same engine, will make a comeback too.

Story will be deliberately light we're told, with players stomping through the Mars station and blasting everything that moves with their variety of weapons, but there is still an air of mystery about what's going on.

What are some of the features of the new Doom that you're excited to try out?