Here's what The Division's new survival mode looks like

Here's what The Division's new survival mode looks like

Think you've had it hard staying alive in the frozen streets of The Division so far? Get ready for something a whole lot harder. When the upcoming DLC release, Survival, is dropped, you'll be squaring your shoulders alongside 23 other denizens of the world, to hold off hordes of enemies, the environment and your own body's needs to stay alive.

Do you think you can survive?

In the Expansion II release, players will need to find food, water, supplies, avoid detection, fight off enemies and make sure to combat the ever present threat of the disease. You'll need to do more than just stay alive though, you need to escape. How you do that, really depends.

As some have pointed out of course, there is some silliness at play here. Why do you need so much food to survive one night? And the lack of water shouldn't be a problem with all of that snow around. Still, for the sake of a fun game, we're willing to overlook some inconsistencies - it's not like we don't suspend our disbelief for most games in some way.

Although there is no official release date for this DLC yet, those with Season Passes can play on the public test server now.

Have you tried the new mode out yet? What do you think?