Here's the last minutes of Planetside 1's servers

Here's the last minutes of Planetside 1's servers

Planetside is part of that pretty rare genre of games, known as MMO shooters and it's been running since 2003, making it one of the world's longest running games too. However all good things must come to an end and just a few days ago, Planetside 1 had its final ending event. As has been the case with many servers and MMOs in the past, this saw large numbers of the community gather together to enjoy its final moments and bid farewell to the game some of them had been playing for over a decade.

Admittedly the player numbers were a lot lower than they used to be - hence the shut down. Most had been drawn away by other titles like Planetside 2, which was released in 2012. However a good number made it back for the final moments and it was rather epic, so of course someone recorded it.

Anyone logged in for the last couple of minutes saw themselves and other players have to try and dodge hundreds of giant meteors which came crashing down to the ground around them. Being caught would see you killed outright and unable to respawn, so it was quite a gauntlet to run.

That was quite a send off for a game that a lot of people loved for a long time. Do you have any strong Planetside memories?