Here's how the Free to Play Unreal Tournament is shaping up

Here's how the Free to Play Unreal Tournament is shaping up

The last time we had a new Unreal Tournament was way back in 2007, so the next year is going to be an exciting one for fans of the series, as a new Free to Play version is in the works, bringing together many of those that worked on the original game back in the 90s and its sequels, with modern aesthetics and hardware and today, we have our first look at how it's coming.

We saw some basic gameplay demos in a placeholder map a few months back, but this is the first real look at level design that we've seen and it looks very pretty.

Built with the Unreal Engine 4 like we might expect, the game has some wonderful lighting and reflections, though the art director, Chris Perna, who also features in the video (alongside other developers and the community manager) said that there are plans to make it all much grittier.

Essentially, this is a concept map, one that shows what the game could eventually look like. However, Perna said that a lot of the meshes and models used in the map at the moment were created from many different parts and so aren't very well optimised. Likewise, they could be far more detailed in the final product.

The developers go on to talk about the map itself and other aspects of the game, including the potential to allow teams to choose from a variety of colours, instead of just red/blue and having some sort of visual representation of armour pickups when applied to the player.