Here's Europe's Smash Bros Wii U launch trailer

Here's Europe's Smash Bros Wii U launch trailer

In case you own a Wii U but haven't picked up a copy of Super Smash Bros yet, Nintendo has released another trailer just for the Europeans out there, though of course this being the internet, these things aren't exactly limited to one region.

(And if they are, that's what proxies and VPNs are for).

So far Smash Bros has been a massive success, selling more copies than any other Wii U game yet, with retailers pushing over half a million copies in just a few short days.

It's managed to net some pretty strong reviews too, with the main combat aspect of the game receiving the most praise. As with the previous iteration however, while this version is considered definitive, a lot of the extras haven't been quite as well received.

But that's the beauty of Smash Bros, there's so many options and game modes to play with, it doesn't really matter if you don't like them all.

Have any of you guys picked up a copy yet? If so, what do you think?