Heavy Rain Designer Denies Having Any Replay Value

Heavy Rain Designer Denies Having Any Replay Value Heavy Rain Designer Denies Having Any Replay Value Heavy Rain Designer Denies Having Any Replay Value Heavy Rain Designer Denies Having Any Replay Value Heavy Rain Designer Denies Having Any Replay Value

Most game designers and developers like to flaunt their games' replayability as a key selling point; Quantic Dream Chief Operating Officer, David Cage is not one to do so.

Speaking about his studio's most anticipated title, heavy Rain, Cage explained that "I would like people to play it once ... because that's life. Life you can only play once ... I would like people to have this experience that way."

"I'm fine with [people reloading saves to avoid bad endings], but the right way to enjoy Heavy Rain is really to make one thing because it's going to be your story. It's going to be unique to you. It's really the story you decided to write ... I think playing it several times is also a way to kill the magic of it."

Heavy Rain is an upcoming PlayStation 3 video game being developed by French studio, Quantic Dream. The game is being directed by Quantic Dream's founder and CEO David Cage, who also wrote and directed the studio's two previous games, Omikron: The Nomad Soul and Fahrenheit. The game is scheduled to be released in early 2010.

Heavy Rain is a dark, immersive and emotionally-engaging experience; one that expands upon the innovative ideas of 2005's acclaimed Fahrenheit to create a noir-thriller where decisions are charged with importance and actions can have drastic and unforseen consequences. Breaking with traditional game conventions where necessary, the gameplay will be based around story, emotional involvement and the player's decisions and interactions, rather than high-scores, combat and competition. Intuitive gameplay and controls are also fundamental to the experience - ensuring that the game is mature but accessible, and avoiding alienating players with obscure stats and complex interfaces.