Hearthstone's Blackrock expansion coming next week

Hearthstone's Blackrock expansion coming next week

If you've been eagerly awaiting the next Hearthstone Expansion, then get ready, as next week will see a batch of new cards added to the game, as well as some new wings for players to battle through, the first of which is called Blackrock Depths.

If you live in the US, you'll have a little leg up on everyone else, as the new expansion will be released on April 2 for those in North America on all platforms - Windows, Mac and iOS and Android tablets - while Europe and Asia won't get a look in until the 3rd.

The content will need to be purchased, as per the Curse of Naxxramas and in-fact, if you want to get the fancy Molten Core card back, you'll need to buy it with real money too.

To help tease you about the additional content coming soon as well, Blizzard has released details on a few of the new cards. There's the Volcanic Drake, a 6/4 for six mana which costs one less for each minion that died that turn.

Next up is the Drakanid Crusher, a 6/6 for six that gets +3 +3 as a battlecry if the enemy is on 15 health or less and finally, there's Nefarian. An 8/8 legendary who costs nine mana and gives you two spells from your opponents class when played.

Not a bad line up right? It will be interesting to see what other cards land as part of the expansion. Somehow I don't think the new content will stand for long though.

Have any of you been prepping specialised decks for the launch of the new expansion?