Have you bought anything from a real-world Pokéstop?

Have you bought anything from a real-world Pokéstop?

Pokémon Go has been a success on a level that seems impossible to have predicted, even for the likes of Nintendo and Niantic - and they've been working on the augmented reality title for years. However the benefits of Pokémon Go are spreading beyond the game itself and into the real word.

This is all thanks to Pokéstops, the places inside the world of Pokémon Go where players can find items and more commonly, Pokémon. These locations tend to be centred around public places like museums, libraries, memorials, statues and in some cases, shopping areas. Where Pokémon appear near shops, a number of them are finding that they're able to tempt in players and secure sales, leading many to wonder if Nintendo will start doing deals to have certain Pokémon spawn near certain stores at certain times.

Everything from drinks and refreshments for players, to Pokémon merchandise and entirely unrelated items are being reported as selling well around Pokéstops, as well as in areas where rarer Pokémon have been seen.

Perhaps the most to benefit is GameStop, which finds itself as the host to over 460 Pokéstops and gyms around the U.S., making its outlets prime locations for gamers to congregate.

"We did some family events and our sales were up a 100 percent. Our Pokemon merchandise is up significantly across the board," said CEO of GameStop, Paul Raines in a chat with . "So we're very happy to see all this excitement around Pokemon in what is traditionally a slower time of the year for video gaming."

This has lead some owners and sellers to stock up on Pokémon lures in Pokémon Go, making sure that they are consistently available at their location, since that can attract more Pokémon and invariably the players follow.