Harambe vs Capcom has Gorilla beat ass all the way back to Africa

Harambe vs Capcom has Gorilla beat ass all the way back to Africa

Harambe the Gorilla may finally get his revenge on the world in videogame form. In beat'em up Harambe vs Capcom, the iconic meme machine can beat up zoo security guards, the cops and the cast of many a Capcom brawler, all so he can find Ryu, beat him, secure a plane and take it back to Africa so he can live happily ever after.

If only the real world worked a little more like that.

Developed by the Otaku Gang, a collection of musicians and artists who are now video game developers too, it seems. They provide unique artwork for Harambe and his many attacks - including his psychic powers - and also a brand new song to go along with it all.

And yes, they did manage to get the classic line, "dicks out for Harambe," in there.

You can download and play the game on your PC now, for just a few hundred megabytes of your precious bandwidth. Totally worth it, right?