Handheld XBox Games?

Handheld XBox Games?

THQ announced that they have reached a deal with Microsoft which will enable them to bring several of Microsoft's XBox games to the GameBoy Advance. Initially the deal will include the release of popular XBox games, such as "Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee" and "Monster Truck Madness 2.0.".

The arrangement includes an agreement between Microsoft and THQ to work together in order to develop more games for Nintendo's handheld device.
We have a first call on any intellectual property that Microsoft does an Xbox or a PC game for, Brian Farrell, the chief executive of THQ, told Reuters, adding that the deal has been in the works for nearly a year.
Under the deal, THQ will be able to choose Microsoft games until 2004 and publish versions of them through 2008. Financial details of the deal were not released.
Although Microsoft and Nintendo are in direct competition in the console market, Microsoft have no handheld device of their own and Nintendo have dominated that particular market for almost 10 years. This indirect alliance may be signalling a semi-alliance between the two giants in order to combat Sony's dominance of the console market. This could be achieved by creating game series which will feature on both console and handhelds and will draw the new generation of gamers to their products.

According to Farrell, the various rumours regarding Microsoft plans to develop a handheld gaming device, are not either confirmed or denied by the MS/THQ deal.
I think it's safe to say there's probably not anything in the near term, he said.

Official reactions about the deal have not yet been released but according to Farrell I have not yet spoken with Nintendo but we think they're going to be very excited about it because it extends their platform too.