Halo MCC is still broken

Halo MCC is still broken

Here at Megagames, we may not always see eye to eye with you guys, but if there's one thing we can agree on, it's that a lot of big publishers dropped the ball last year. We could smash Ubisoft until the cows come home, as it really is one of the worst culprits, but we need to be fair and give 343 Industries a good beating too, as its attempt to release a multi-game Halo title backfired spectacularly. And it's still doing so today.

Released before Christmas in a bid to tide Halo fans over until Halo 5 could be released for the Xbox One, The Master Chief Collection is still a broken mess of mismatched games, matchmaking that takes an age to complete and a myriad of other bugs.

To prove that this is problematic no matter what you play, the guys at VG247 tried out some of the matchmaking in the MCC just this weekend and the results speak for themselves:

Halo CE: Quick matchmaking, but put into a 3vs2 game and broken respawn placements.
Halo 2 Anniversary: Game crashed almost immediately after startup and matchmaking took nearly eight minutes to find a game.
Halo Championship series: Near 20 minutes of searching led to nothing.
Team Slayer: More than 20 minutes of searching found no games.
Halo 2 Classic: Three minutes to find a game, but respawns would bug out on the countdown timer and get stuck.
Halo 3: Three minutes to find a game.
Halo 4: Three minutes to find a game.
Big Team Battle: Eleven minutes to enter a game, only to be booted immediately after.
Team hardcore: 2vs2 on a 3vs3 gametype, with respawn counter problems again.

And this isn't even scratching the surface of all the in-game bugs that are still ongoing.

Did any of you get burned by the Master Chief Collection? If so, what bugs have you encountered?