Halo 5 opening cinematic released

Halo 5 opening cinematic released

Halo 5 is hoping to reinvigorate the sci-fi franchise after the failings of the Master Chief Collection burned many a bridge to the far flung universe. To help with that, it's brought in some popular faces to take on the roles of some of the game's Spartan Warriors, including Nathan Fillion, who features prominently in the game's newly released opening cinematic.

He, along with the rest of Team Osiris are charged with taking on a Covenant and Promethean army whilst bringing back in a high profile target. We're told by developer 343 that this game will be the most "ambitious, robus and epic Halo campaign experience yet."

Whilst Fillion certainly looks smug enough during his sequence that that may be the case, the game itself has a lot of ground to make up. The Master Chief Collection was supposed to bring together every other Halo game preivously released, but instead gave gamers a broken landscape of long matchmaking queues, a variety of bugs that made many of the games unplayable and other issues which made the original price tag seem like a joke.

At this stage most of them have been ironed out, but here's hoping 343 has done a better job with this next game.

Halo 5: Guardians is set for release on October 27 on Xbox One.