Halo 3 To Fight for MS in Japan

Halo 3 To Fight for MS in Japan Halo 3 To Fight for MS in Japan

Japanese gamers seem excited about Microsoft's Halo 3 title and have voted it as their tenth most anticipated next-generation game. The American company has failed to make its presence felt in the Japanese gaming market and may have to rely, heavily, on Halo 3's performance as other games are not doing so well.

Even though MS only showcased a short teaser trailer for Halo 3 during E3, Famitsu readers seem to have enjoyed it and have voted it as their tenth most anticipated next-generation game. To fully comprehend the impact of the short, yet cryptic, trailer for Halo 3 in Japan you only need to consider that it was the only North American developed game that made the relevant list. A perhaps worrying fact for Microsoft is that Halo 3 was the only XBox 360 game to make the list and games developed specifically with the Japanese gamer in mind, such as Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, were conspicuously absent.

The Famitsu reader Top 3 most anticipated next-generation games were: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear Solid 4