Halo 3 Class Action Suit Gathering Plaintiffs

Halo 3 Class Action Suit Gathering Plaintiffs Halo 3 Class Action Suit Gathering Plaintiffs Halo 3 Class Action Suit Gathering Plaintiffs Halo 3 Class Action Suit Gathering Plaintiffs

Following Bungie's 2 months old confession that Halo 3 is not 720p HD, Class Action Connect website is gathering Halo 3 players to file a class action lawsuit seeking monetary compensation for the missing 80 lines.

Class Action Connect is a website dedicated to connect users with potential class action suits and help them find class action attorneys.

Here is what Class Action Connect says about the lawsuit:
"A team of class action attorneys has launched an investigation into complaints that Halo 3 was falsely marketed as a high definition product, but does not actually render native high definition resolutions.
These complaints are that, although Halo 3 was advertised as having a 720p resolution (720 pixels), it natively renders at 640p (640 pixels) and is simply scaled up to 720p.
If you purchased the Halo 3 game, you may be entitled to recover money.
***Please note the naming of a company does not imply that it engaged in any wrongdoing. ***"