Halo 2 on PC will start testing in March

Halo 2 on PC will start testing in March

Following the debut of the original Halo: Combat Evolved on PC earlier this month, testing is already planned for its multiplayer-encouraging sequel, Halo 2. The game that took online multiplayer on the original Xbox to new heights, Halo 2 is a beloved entry in the franchise and sure to draw much interest from retro and younger gamers alike when it eventually debuts on PC.

The developers at 343 Industries have warned however, that it's not ready yet and won't be for some time. But it will be eventually. We just have to be patient.

"As a reminder, [testing] is a way for us to get early access builds out to our Halo Insiders before they reach the public," 343 said in a statement "Often things are rough around the edges and truly represent a work-in-progress. Building these games is a process and things can change. All of the content listed above may change and so may the timing, but if all goes well, we are targeting our next public [test] for the end of March."

It's not yet clear whether we can expect members of the public to be invited to this test, or whether it will be entirely internal. Testing should ramp up in the months to come, however, so expect some more open beta testing, as well as early access options.

If you want to be part of the earliest of early testing, however, you'll want to become part of the Halo Insider Program. .