Half-Life Borealis is another fan attempt to make Half-Life 3

Half-Life Borealis is another fan attempt to make Half-Life 3 Half-Life Borealis is another fan attempt to make Half-Life 3 Half-Life Borealis is another fan attempt to make Half-Life 3

Ever since ex-Valve writer Marc Laidlaw released his "Epistle 3" homage to the Half-Life series and potential story for how the Gordon Freeman saga might have ended, a number of teams have sprung up over the world of fans who want to create the final Half-Life experience to round out the series. A new project called Half-Life Borealis is joining that collective and it looks to be one of the most competent attempts yet.

It's still very early days, but the developers behind the game have shown off a few pieces of concept art and in-game models in the first breakdown post on Reddit, giving us a lot of hope for how this project will turn out. It's looking good at this early stage, which suggests the final product -- whenever it arrives -- will be pretty great also.

Of course these projects take an inordinate amount of time to finalize. Black Mesa, a semi-professional recreation of the original Half-Life on the modern Source engine, took upwards of a decade to bring to light and it's still not quite finished. Borealis could take an equally long time, though expectations for it won't be quite as high at least.

Right now Borealis only has models, concept art and some music to show for its trouble, but the developers are working on releasing a technical demo in the near future to show how serious they are about the project and how well it's coming along even at this early stage.

[Thanks PCGN]