H-L 2: Episode One - New Details

H-L  2: Episode One - New Details H-L  2: Episode One - New Details

MegaGames readers have been busy pre-loading their Half-Life 2: Episode One expansion and have offered us some details of the new content including the new enemies and weapons players can expect as well as some interesting additional features.

Having downloaded their new H-L 2 content, the restless spirits that are MegaGames readers, have begun a thorough examination of the game's HL2ep1 gcf (Game Configuration Files). Although the file is encrypted it seems that the directory structure and the names are not.

The gcf file has surrendered its pre-loaded secrets and we are told that three new enemies will make an appearance in Episode One:

The Zombie Soldier or zombine,
the Mini Strider and
the surprisingly plain, ghost.

Additionally our MegaGames busy bodies have discovered that Episode One will span six chapters while the gravity gun will make some form of appearance. Those of you that make it to the end of the expansion will be rewarded with a trailer for Episode Two which Valve has been developing for some time now.

Finally our readers report that the player, in Episode One, will have the uncanny ability to annoy the G-man; we are not quite certain of how the cfg file has managed to reveal that little nugget but we certainly hope it's true.