H-L 2 Delay Rumours and New Screens

H-L 2 Delay Rumours and New Screens H-L 2 Delay Rumours and New Screens H-L 2 Delay Rumours and New Screens H-L 2 Delay Rumours and New Screens H-L 2 Delay Rumours and New Screens H-L 2 Delay Rumours and New Screens H-L 2 Delay Rumours and New Screens H-L 2 Delay Rumours and New Screens

While rumours of a possible delay into 2005 are beginning to surface and plague Half-Life 2, claiming that it is a problem in the development process and not the source-theft causing the setback, it is good to have a fresh reminder, every now and then, that H-L 2 is a game and a stunning one at that. Eight new screenshots of the game have appeared and they all show a visually impressive title that demands our patience until its release.

The images show a new monster-type creature, a helicopter and some impressive outdoor environments and all can be viewed by following the Screens tab above.

Fortunately these images will only have to keep us going until E3, where Valve are expected to have some form of material on H-L 2 although it is also likely that any delay announcement will also be made during the exhibition. It may be true that a Doom III/Half-Life 2 face-off may not take place this summer.