Guess Who's Back? Hint: He is An Attorney

Guess Who's Back? Hint: He is An Attorney Guess Who's Back? Hint: He is An Attorney

It seems that getting disbarred isn't enough to get our popular ex-attorney Jack Thompson off Take Two's back.

This time around, Mr. Thompson isn't filing comical anti-gaming lawsuits; instead, he is organizing a "shareholders revolt" against Take-Two Interactive's chairman Strauss Zelnick.

TTWO is today trading at about $7 per share. Zelnick blew it. Thompson today bought a bunch of Take-Two stock at the $7 figure," Jack Thompson wrote in an email directed to the press.

"The reason Thompson has done this is to lead the effort by Take-Two shareholders to dump Zelnick," the email goes on "It is long overdue, and there are already rumblings that Zelnick's tenure at Take-Two has been a disaster, as anyone still holding stock that could have been sold at $26 and is now worth $7 and falling, can attest."