Guerilla Confession a Hoax

Guerilla Confession a Hoax Guerilla Confession a Hoax Guerilla Confession a Hoax

A message that appeared on a gaming website forum claiming that the video of Killzone 2 shown at E3 was not run in real time, appears to have been a hoax.

A message that appeared on Gamespot's forums claimed that Guerilla games had replied to an email asking if the video shown at E3 was, in fact, a CGI demo running at 5 FPS sped up. According to the poster Guerilla replied through its Development Director, Arjan Brussee stating that the rumor about the video was true but that the hardware available to the company at the time would not allow for a realistic demonstration. The alleged Guerilla Games response also stated that the game is currently ...looking just as impressive as the demo, at 30 FPS.

Though such a response would seem likely to most gamers, Guerilla Games has been quick to denounce it through Alastair Burns who stated that the message is : ...unfortunately a hoax. No such communication originated from our offices. Strangely enough the company chose not to clearly state that it is appalled that such rumors have surfaced suggesting that the video shown at E3 was not in real time. All they would say is: date we have made no official statements regarding our current crop of games, nor our intentions. We have no plans to do so in the near future either.