GTA V looks stunning on new-gen systems

GTA V looks stunning on new-gen systems

If like me you felt a little insulted that Rockstar seemed to neglect the PC with the launch of its latest GTA title, number five in the series, I wonder today if perhaps we were too hasty to condemn the long time open world developer. In a new bunch of screenshots and video clips from the game, it's clear that the graphical differences between the Xbox 360/PS3 version of the game and the one set to release later this year on PS4, Xbox One and PC, are miles apart.

There's no more aliasing on every surface, no more flat textures, denser foliage, denser people, better quality animations, higher resolution textures, farther draw distances, the list goes on and on.

Some aspects of the game could end up changing gameplay however, as streets are filled with far more people and cars are much, much more abundant. Whereas before night times drives would see you dodging around a handful of cars on each street, now you'll have to make your way through roads crammed with other vehicles.

Likewise hunting sequences could be a little more difficult now, as there's much more foliage for animals to hide behind. There's grass too, with thousands of blades where before there were just simple grass textures with a few bushes dotted around.

You know what's got me excited though? Modding potential. If the game looks pretty now, give it a year and see what the modders can do.

What's the verdict though guys? Is this graphical upgrade worth waiting for?

GTA V is set to hit PC, Xbox One and PS4 in the fall.