GTA V looks better than ever in new Redux mod

GTA V looks better than ever in new Redux mod

Josh Romito is a determined modder who has taken one of the better looking open world games ever made and turned it into something else entirely. GTA V: Redux has new physics, 4k textures, new pedestrian behaviours, retextured roads, global illumination, new Police AI, a new military 5 star response, more crash deformations and new debris effects.

The result is a game that looks far more realistic and behaves like it too. As you careen down busy walk ways pedestrians will try and dive out of the way and may even grab on to the car as it speeds past.

The game looks absolutely fanstastic, giving it a clean and crisp aesthetic, though there are 15 reshades in there that lets you customise just how the game's lighting works.

There's also a bunch of real world adverts put into the game, making it feel all the more real.

That's barely scratching the surface though. Watch the above video for more detail.