GTA V becomes second highest rated game ever

GTA V becomes second highest rated game ever

Despite all of its lauding, the high ratings, the unanimous love for Grant Theft Auto V, it's still only the second highest rated game ever. What was it beaten by? Grand Theft Auto IV, which seems a bit odd since while immersive as all hell, that game seemed to have a lot more story related problems than this latest game, even if some people aren't too keen on the way the game treats women and middle eastern gentlemen.

This scoring is based on Metacritic results, which has GTA IV pinned at 98, while GTA V is scored at one point lower, 97 on the PS3 and 98 on the Xbox 360. Perhaps the PC version with its mod support and fixes that will come with an extra few months in development will help bump that score up to a flawless victory?

Of course the real question of which is better will come not from professional reviewers and critics, but from the fans themselves, most of whom have only got their hands on a copy of the game today. Work skiving aside, the real opinions should start to appear when people begin clocking off work later today.

Perhaps the most interesting part of which, will be with what people think of the torture scene which is drawing a fair bit of condemnation from the people who've played it so far. They say it's gratuitous, but we'll have to wait and see what average Joe gamers think of that.

Have you had a go on GTA V yet? If so, were you one of the lucky few that had their copy delivered early by Amazon?