GTA IV Image a Hoax

GTA IV Image a Hoax

An image, appearing on various forums and websites and claiming to be of a television running a debug version of Grand Theft Auto IV is a hoax according to Rockstar.

Along with many media websites, MegaGames also received a message claiming to be from a disgruntled Rockstar employee, containing an image which appears to be from a GTA title. The message suggested that this was our first look at Rockstar's much anticipated GTA IV game.

The game, expected for PS3 and XBox 360 this fall, remains a closely guarded Rockstar secret and its developers took their time to comment on the image, further fueling speculation. Rockstar has now officially denied that the image has anything to do with GTA IV and has made it clear that it was a hoax. No other details about the game have been revealed so we will have to wait a bit longer before we discover what GTA IV will be about.

Another GTA IV rumor recently suggested that Rockstar will use the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE) to power the game, an engine that recently premiered in the XBox 360 Table Tennis title. Expect more on GTA IV from MG as soon as Rockstar begin releasing information.