Goldeneye fans are porting the campaign to Unreal Engine 4

Goldeneye fans are porting the campaign to Unreal Engine 4

Goldeneye might be one of the most important FPS games ever made, but that doesn't mean it's still as stellar an experience in 2019. Indeed, the controls are janky, the AI often laughable, and the graphics certainly haven't aged as well as some. But it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, one team of fans have begun putting together an Unreal Engine 4 recreation of the game and it's looking great so far.

The devs have built a number of levels — check out Silo below — with authentic animations and mechanics from the original game, but with far superior graphics and much improved controls. The AI are still pretty dumb, but overall the experience looks to play very well indeed. If you've had a Goldeneye itch for some time and don't want to spoil your memories by actually playing it, this could be the perfect way to re-live your childhood.

When it's released.

That won't be for some time either. The team behind GE64 are planning to launch it alongside the game's 25th anniversary in 2022. That gives them plenty of time to get it right.

If you want to follow along with development a little more closely, check out the dev-team's Twitter feed.