GGL And Sony Launch Official Warhawk Team Tournament

GGL And Sony Launch Official Warhawk Team Tournament GGL And Sony Launch Official Warhawk Team Tournament GGL And Sony Launch Official Warhawk Team Tournament GGL And Sony Launch Official Warhawk Team Tournament GGL And Sony Launch Official Warhawk Team Tournament

GGL and Sony Computer Entertainment America have teamed up to bring you an Official Warhawk Team Tournament, where the top squad can win Warhawk Limited Edition Statues from Gentle Giants Studios (ARV $50 each) and an in-game special weapon called the Champion's Blade! This weapon is awarded exclusively to tournament winners and cannot be acquired any other way. It replaces the knife weapon in game and looks completely different so that everyone you encounter will know you won the tournament.

A Practice Ladder is open now, so jump in, form your team, and start challenging and playing opponents. On 5/27/08 the Practice Ladder will be reset (all squads' records and points set to 0), and the official Ladder Stage will start. You can challenge other squads, play matches, and move up and down the ladder. Points are awarded not only for winning, but also just for playing, so the more you play the better you will do! At the end of the Ladder Stage on 6/29/08, the top 32 squads will advance to a single-elimination bracket, and the winner of the Bracket Stage takes home the prize!

This is a team tournament, but you and your opponents can agree on the number of players on each side before each match. This prize tournament is open to U.S. residents only, but Warhawk players from anywhere in the world are welcome to join open competition ladders on GGL's Warhawk Game Group.