Get Your Portrait On Fable 2 Walls

Get Your Portrait On Fable 2 Walls Get Your Portrait On Fable 2 Walls

Ever dreamed of having your portrait immortalized in a blockbuster game, probably in the most embarrassing way?

Well this is your chance to do just that! Lionhead studios, the people behind Fable 2, are looking for artist's models to pose for the paintings which will adorn the wall of Fable 2's finest residences.

All you have to do is "send in a picture of yourself in suitable artistic pose. Think old master, royal portraits or even the Mona Lisa! Dress up as an old or modern hero, go out to the countryside and find yourself a deer to shoot (not recommended) or just strike a suiting pose in front of an open fire. The thing that would make it even better is if you were to act out an expression from the original Fable."

If you are interested, you'll have to act quickly. Submission deadline is June 4, 2008.