Gears of War 4 trailer puts you firmly in Marcus' shadow

Gears of War 4 trailer puts you firmly in Marcus' shadow

Being any successful person's son has its own headaches and trials, but being the son of someone who saved the world, who has statues all over the place that remind you that you'll likely never measure up to what they achieved. That's got to weigh on a kid.

Fortunately the kid in this equation has a typically broad set of shoulders to take on that challenge, as he's the star of Gears of War 4, Marcus Fenix' son, JD, who is taking on a whole new enemy in the first major trailer for the upcoming shooter.

Called "Tomorrow," the footage shows us JD being pursued through the woods of his home, dodging dangerous ranged fire and claws a plenty, intermingled with flashbacks to his happy childhood, Marcus building and laying down trees which he may never sit in the shade of.

Fortunately JD was able to use that shade to find cover in a dire moment, but it shows that war is never quite over in the world of the Gears and JD is one of its newest members, now set to fight against a new growing threat.

Capping the solid tone of the trailer is the Sound of Silence from the new Disturbed Album. It acts as a great mirror to the original Mad World Gears of War trailer from a decade ago.

What do you think of how GoW4 is shaping up?