GameCube Best Seller in US

GameCube Best Seller in US

Nintendo has gained enough experience in the console market to be able to produce the right moves when necessary. In late September it did just that by announcing a price cut for its GameCube console. The move has now produced results with the console outselling all of its rivals last week in the U.S.

Writing off Nintendo was never an option and the week ending October 4 the sales figures announced by the company indicate just that. GC outsold Sony's PS2 by 20 per cent while it double-scored XBox selling 140 per cent more units than the Microsoft console. XBox is facing a real danger of losing the Number 2 spot to GameCube in the U.S. if the trends continues. Although outselling PS2 may not be a realistic expectation for Nintendo over the holiday season, the popular titles in the holiday line-up and the aggressive promotional strategy may help the company overtake Microsoft in console sales.

Microsoft has not yet reacted to Nintendo's price cut and had suggested that it would follow PS2 in price rather than GC but in light of these sales figures some form of reaction from the software giant is becoming more likely.