Game Controllers Need Health Warning

Game Controllers Need Health Warning

Doctors in the U.K. are warning that vibrating game controllers could be the source of various hand injuries which have been increasing among teenagers.

The alarm was raised when a 15-year-old boy developed a condition similar to hand-arm vibration syndrome. Considering the injury is caused by the use of industrial tools for long periods of time, it was obvious that something else had caused the teenagers problem.
Eventually the boy admited that he had spent an average of 7 hours a day playing computer games using a vibrating controller.

"We believe that, with increasing numbers of children playing these devices, there should be consideration for statutory health warnings to advise users and parents," said Gavin Cleary of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital in London.

Although most manufacturers issue warnings about excessive use, none actually mention the possibility of painfully swollen hands.
While 7 hours may initially seem excessive, it is almost certain that many users repeatedly exceed such manufacturer guidelines. A clear warning could therefore, act as a wake up call, encouraging users to monitor the time spent on computer games.