Futuremark's next benchmark is Timespy DX12 4K

Futuremark's next benchmark is Timespy DX12 4K

If you have a monster of a machine and want to see how powerful it truly is, Futuremark has been working on a new version of its TimeSpy demo that caters exclusively to 4K resolution, making it a monster of a test no matter what internal hardware you have. This will be a follow-up to its original 4K benchmark, Fire Strike Ultra.

Part of the reason the original Time Spy demo was so intensive in its day, was that it included previous versions of Futuremark's 3Dmark tests within it. Glass cases not only give you nostalgia as the character passes them, but force your system to render them as well as the meta scene.

Said to be developed with input from Nvidia, AMD and Intel, the new benchmark should tax even those running SLI or crossfired top-tier cards from the major manufacturers. Entry level systems need not apply, as Time Spy Extreme will not spit out high-scores for the unworthy.

The rough estimate on how difficult it is compared to the Fire Strike Extreme 4K benchmark is three to one. However, due to DirectX12 support, it may be that your system will be able to handle it better than expected. With additional draw cell support and better multi-threading, your system may be able to leverage more of its multiple cores to deliver a satisfactory score.

Although press have access to the new build right now, Time Spy Extreme 4K will be available for the public starting October 11. If you have an existing copy of 3Dmark Advanced or Professional editions, then you'll get it as a free upgrade. Everyone else will need to purchase it separately.