Full scale Assassin's Creed VR game could be in the works

Full scale Assassin's Creed VR game could be in the works

Although there is a lot of content available on a number of virtual reality platforms already, there are still a number of people who are waiting on a killer game, or a AAA release that would make the - admittedly expensive purchase - worth it. That game could well be Assassin's Creed, as there are rumors doing the rounds that Ubisoft is working on a full-scale, VR title in the universe.

Ubisoft is one of the only large scale developer/publishers which has announced its intentions to work on a VR title, though we haven't heard much about what it's up to. However we now have some real information which could point to what it's up to.

On the personal portfolio website of UI artist for Ubisoft, , are a number of images which hint at a Ubisoft VR project. In the screengrabs he claims that he made the UI for an Unreal Engine 4 project for Ubisoft, which will work on the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

The menus look very much like they've been ripped right out of an Assassin's Creed game, but if you wanted more confirmation, he straight up says that it's for an AC VR game in other slides from his side. Some of the things he's created include conversation wheel icons, and a number of other UI indicators and icons for the VR experience.

It sounds like it's a full Assassin's Creed game in VR. Though when it will release or how accurate this information really is, remains to be seen.

What would you like to see from an AC VR game?