Frozen Endzone hits beta, gets new trailer

Frozen Endzone hits beta, gets new trailer

A new trailer has emerged to celebrate the release of Frozen Endzone's beta, a pseudo simultaneous turn based, futuristic sports title that uses mechanics from the developer's previous game Frozen Synapse.

Developed by Mode 7, the new game sees robots dashing, passing, and blocking atop futuristic sky scrapers, using tactics that will be familiar to anyone that's played a game of Bloodbowl before - but in a much more timely fashion.

Instead of taking it in turns to batter the other team into submission and occasionally throwing a goblin that may or may not get eaten in the process, Frozen Endzone has gamers taking turns simultaneously, which must make for some extremely exciting and intuitive gameplay, as well as some mind blowing manoeuvres when all one's eggs are in a single basket.

This is no flat top field of play though. Forzen Endone has a battlefield scattered with boxes of various heights, allowing different height passing and interception, with all terrain randomly generated if you so choose.

The players themselves are robots, so expect some big hits when a block goes down, but that doesn't mean they're lifeless. They move with great fluidity and already come in two different armor flavors with a range of colours to choose from. However in the future, it's said that facial animations will be customisable by team and situation, letting you further fine tune your robotic team of the future.

Stat progression will take place in career and some multiplayer modes, and there will be full matchmaking features at launch, along with leagues and custom games.

For more details and a play by play report of a game, check out the video below.

Frozen Endzone's beta lands on Thursday December 5th, whilst the full game hits our digital shelves in early 2014.