Friday XIII is adding offline bots, CP bonuses

Friday XIII is adding offline bots, CP bonuses

The Friday XIII game is finally getting a feature that has been requested by the community for a long time: offline play and bots. The idea with the new game mode, available today, is that you play as Jason against AI counsellors, giving you time to practice his abilities, learn maps and "git gud" at playing Jason, making it all the more exciting when you get to play him online and you don't have to fumble through your first few games getting trolled by players with far more experience than you.

There are three difficulty modes you can choose from when playing offline: easy, medium and hard, with the offline bots doing their best to act like real players. They'll complete lock doors, jump through windows to escape your clutches, try and repair the boat and cars and even call in Tommy Jarvis if they need a helping hand.

It's not clear if they'll try and kill you, but we wouldn't put it past them.

To help out those who are already experienced enough to not need to play offline, the level cap is going up from 101, to 150, so there's plenty more grinding to do if that's what you like to do with your time off. To make that process a little quicker though, over the holidays the developers have introduced some interesting bonuses.

Starting December 18 through 23, there will be an increased chance of unlocking rare and epic perks. From 23rd through 27 there is an increased chance of picking up Pamela and Tommy tapes, so you can complete your collection and figure out a little more of the game's backstory.

Also running from the 23rd through January 2nd is a double CP bonus. Not for levelling up, but that ten percent of in-game experience is going to be 20 percent for that time period.