Friday the 13th update pleases fans with Friday 13th release

Friday the 13th update pleases fans with Friday 13th release

The latest patch for asymmetrical multiplayer horror title, Friday the 13th, has gone down pretty well with fans. Released last week on Friday the 13th, the update brought with it a number of changes. The biggest is the introduction of a new map called the Jarvis House which features locations familiar to fans of the 1984 Friday the 13th Final Chapter movie.

Jason from that film is now playable too, with his own kill animations and specific stats. Unlocked at level 44, he comes with a Pig Splitter as a weapon, can run, has increased strength and destruction powers, but his water speed is reduced, he can't shift and he's not so great at handling traps.

For the counsellor team there's a new one to play as. Mitch Floyd is good at keeping his composure and he's great at repairing vehicles, but he's weak as hell and very slow. Kotaku points out that he's a good representation of Chuck from Friday the 13th part III.

Other new features include the addition of rain, giving players the chance of encountering the new weather system on all maps. Counselors can now push one another, making it impossible for griefers to block doorways and ruin the game for others. The developers have also tweaked the way the thick-skinned and grease monkey perks work, making them more effective and less effective respectfully.

The patch also introduced a long list of bug fixes which you can read through in detail on the Steam update page. The developers do address the outstanding issues with the cars and boats though, highlighting that they're aware of ongoing physics problems. That's something that's actively being worked on and should be fixed in an upcoming update.