Four New Haze Screenshots

Four New Haze Screenshots Four New Haze Screenshots Four New Haze Screenshots Four New Haze Screenshots

Available in the screens tab are four new screenshots of Haze.

Haze is a first-person shooter developed by Free Radical and published by Ubisoft exclusively for the PlayStation 3.

The game revolves around Mantel Global Industries, a multinational corporation with bio-medical expertise which creates a nutritional supplement called Nectar that enables soldiers to fight harder and smarter, but also induces a hallucinogenic effect, where soldiers are no longer cognizant of the real battlefield around them, instead viewing an idyllic, painless environment.

In Haze, the player assumes the role of Shane Carpenter, a 25 year old Mantel soldier. After Carpenter witnesses the effect Nectar is having on his fellow soldiers, and after a twist in the storyline Shane then turns rogue and teams up with the rebels to take on Mantel