Fittingly, next Call of Duty is called Infinite Warfare

Fittingly, next Call of Duty is called Infinite Warfare

Although we're sure there's a clever(ish) reason that Activision has called the next Call of Duty, Infinite Warfare, it does seem fitting for a series that just seems to come back for more every year, despite the premise of the original series being stretched so far beyond what the game is about, bundling in new game modes and types that offer a cross-genre, cross-platform gameplay experience to appeal to just about as many as people as possible to secure high sales.

Some rumors are that the game will be set far into the future, offering laser based battles, Space, anti-gravity wars and much more futuristic soldiers than we've seen before.

However this writer thinks this might be Activision's way to make Call of Duty less of a yearly title and more of a software as a service. It seems unlikely that it will go free to play, but Activision will have been watching the success of Destiny over the past year or so and it's seen the dollar signs.

Infinite Warfare could be an ongoing Call of Duty that updates with the times, rather than releases in brand new iterations. That's actually something I'd like to see with CoD too. Activision could release separate components, like the single player, multiplayer, zombie modes and others separately, purchasable in their own unique segment, with their own unlocks and aesthetic DLC, which will be each updated over time rather than released in big box launches each year.

It might be total nonsense, but considering the way the industry is going, I wouldn't be surprised.

Of course this could just be a nod to Infinity Ward.

Good job on the Redditors for figuring this one out.