First XBox 360 Pre-orders Ready

First XBox 360 Pre-orders Ready First XBox 360 Pre-orders Ready

If you had any doubts, this latest news should help you realize that the next-generation of console gaming is upon us. How long do 6 months last? We are about to find out as Microsoft is moving on to the final publicity stretch.

The latest news on XBox 360 has to do with the availability of pre-orders on some games and the console itself from The games, Full Auto, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Call of Duty 2 and Quake 4 are available to pre-order for USD 59.99 although Amazon is playing coy with the price for the actual console. The games available are from Sega and Activision and the seller's website does not offer any more details, than what we already know, about the games.

The real story from this news is that the availability date set by Amazon is December 14, 2005, hinting that that is probably the launch date for XBox 360. This does seem a bit later than most experts suggested but it could also be misleading as Amazon can change it at any time. The important thing is that the pre-Christmas launch of Microsoft's console is more or less running on schedule. Those of you curious to examine the Amazon description, or pre-order the games, follow the download tab above.