First in-game footage of Ark Park revealed

First in-game footage of Ark Park revealed

Chinese developer Snail Games, has debuted the first in-game footage of its take on an open world dinosaur game using Wildcard's (of ARK: Survival evolved fame) assets. Ark Park is a large scale virtual world with dinosaurs to see, environments to explore and vehicles and dinos to ride around on. All of it in virtual reality.

Currently compatible with the HTC Vive, Ark Park lets players visit a holographic visitor's centre, before exploring various parts of the park in true first person, getting up close and personal with dinosaurs of various shapes and sizes, though there's no risk of being stomped on or eaten in this world.

Ark Park is all about education, but its world is incredibly immersive too. Players will be able to feed dinosaurs, throw rocks at or near them to see them react and brush the flora too. While the dinosaurs might still clip through the odd bush and rock, players themselves can push leaves and see them react in real time.

While the core of the game is a relaxing, educational experience, PCGamer reports that there will be some options gamers can play with. There's said to be a dinosaur hunting mode, which could be rather intense and there are a few hidden paths and parts to the game which should open up more gameplay for those willing to find them.

There will also be single and multiplayer modes, so if you want to enjoy your dino-park experience with friends, you can do.