Firewatch Will Print And Mail Your In-Game Camera Snaps

Firewatch Will Print And Mail Your In-Game Camera Snaps Firewatch Will Print And Mail Your In-Game Camera Snaps

In-game photo mode has become a staple in most open world games of recent. Until now, this mode offered nothing beyond the ability to keep a cool in-game moment and to share it with friends on social networks. The PC version of Firewatch aims to go a step beyond that by giving players the ability to hold printed copies of the in-game screenshots in their hands.

After clearing the PC version of the game, the player is presented with a link to an online store where he can find all the photos he snapped using the in-game disposable camera. For $15, the user can order a set of 4" x 6" prints to be shipped for free "almost anywhere."

Firewatch is a first person adventure video game developed by Campo Santo and published by Panic. It was released earlier this week for Linux, Microsoft Windows, OS X and PlayStation 4. The photo printing service is not available yet in the PlayStation 4 version but Campo Santo is working with Sony to figure out a way to implement it while adhering to PSN security standards.

Firewatch is definitely full of beautiful scenery, but would you really pay for printed screenshots?